Good Dog





My good friends over at Garden & Gun magazine are making it really easy for me to kick off my Christmas shopping.  Their latest publication is a heart-warming collection of stories told by some of the country’s best writers about man’s best friend.  Inspired by the magazine’s popular column, “Good Dog”, the book includes relatable tales of canine love, loyalty, and loss. For dog lovers, it’s the ultimate read and the perfect gift.  Even non-dog lovers will find the stories humorous, engaging and maybe even revealing as implied in the quote below:

“If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.” – Woodrow Wilson


Our “good dogs” Abbey and Scout.


Jack and Scout. Both little but both with big paws.


Sweet Abbey, our twelve- year-old part Lab/Golden Retriever.


Scout, our three-year-old English Golden Retriever, loves to pose for the camera.



“Princess Kate” and her loyal subject, Abbey.

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